World Spay Day

World Spay Day

27th February 2019

Oak Tree sees hundreds of unwanted cats every year. These numbers include a number of unwanted litters of kittens. We also receive a huge number of calls every year where cats have roamed, spray their territory and caterwaul causing their owners distress and, in extreme cases, these behaviours have led to the animal being the subject of cruel treatment by humans. World Spay Day is held every February by animal charities to promote and support cat neutering. When you consider that 1 female cat can be responsible for 20,000 descendants in just 5 years it's easy to see how important neutering can be to maintain a healthy and stable population of cats in loving homes.

This year we partnered with 4 local veterinary practices: Eden Vets, The Green Vets, Paragon Vets and Coomara Vets to neuter 20 cats in a day. A huge thanks to them for all their hard work. 

We offer a range of neutering support options for owners, if you have any questions or need our support please contact our team at 

World Spay Day

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