
Ticks are a worry to many pet owners. They can cause discomfort to animals as they feed on their blood, cause abscesses and can transmit diseases to your pet such as Lyme disease. It’s really important to check your pet regularly for ticks, particularly after walking though long grass, heath or woodland but they can also be picked up in urban areas and gardens too.

Checks can be done as part of your pets regular grooming session or during routine health checking. Ticks vary in colour including black, grey, brown and tan and have 8 legs (they are related to spiders). They also vary in size depending on their age and grow as they feed on your pet. Ticks can be as small as a pinhead, so you need to look carefully! Although they do fall off eventually when they have finished feeding, it is important to remove ticks when you spot them as they can pass disease to your pet as they feed. If you do not know how to safely remove a tick from your pet please ask your vet to show you as incorrect removal can lead to complications.

Routine preventative treatments can also be given to help prevent ticks. Speak to your vet about the most suitable for you and your pet. For further advice on preventative care please contact your veterinary practice or our community team.


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