Ian still looking for his forever home - but loving his foster home while he waits!

5th February 2019

Ian was recently taken in to a foster home to give him a rest from the cattery environment. Ian is still very much looking for a home to call his own, but he is loving his time with his foster parents, who recently sent this lovely update:  

(To see Ian's profile please click HERE

“Ian is brilliant!! Totally settled now and seems to love indoor life. It took him a week/week and a half or so to calm down. For quite a while he would hide anytime we made any noise, and run away if we stood up. We have two litter trays set up, but he only uses the one, and he never misses or makes a mess. Ian has this funny habit of piling every single litter pellet into a corner once he has used the tray, makes such a racket doing it. He is now using a floor scratching board and his scratching post thing, no more scratching the sofa! We do get the odd bite/smack from him, but they are rare and a lot more gentle than when he first arrived.


Ian is very cuddly and loves a good head scratch. Every morning, the second he hears us stirring, he is on the bed and purring, ready to start the day with snuggles. He also likes joining us on the sofa, but still very politely waits to be invited up, a true gentleman. Overnight Ian sleeps either on our bed (he’s a real pillow hog) or on his bed in the corner of the room. During the day he’ll sleep on whichever piece of furniture looks most appealing (spare bed, tv table, kitchen work surface - all acceptable snoozing spots to Ian).

We can regularly hear Ian tearing around the house, playing with his toys - you’d never guess he was 14! He loves chasing the bell balls across the room. If he hears us moving any of the toys he runs to check out the situation, he would hate to miss an opportunity to play. Ian very regularly chases his tail. Often runs/pounces in circles for so long he wears himself out and collapses for a snooze on the spot. Yet to get a good quality video of this, but we are trying!“

To find out more about Ian, please visit his profile HERE 

Ian still looking for his forever home - but loving his foster home while he waits!

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