Why is Enrichment so Important?

Why is Enrichment so Important?

22nd March 2019

Enrichment is so important for the animals in our care, to provide them with mental stimulation, develop their confidence and optimism and the opportunity to have some fun! We take every opportunity to make sure our dogs, cats, horses and goats get a range of enrichment to reduce frustration and stress, prepare them for lives in their new homes and enjoy life!

For 3 years we have been dreaming of developing our unused aviary into an area for our dogs to enjoy with different activities, flooring substrates, digging areas, tunnels, planting and water space and finally ... thanks to funding from Mars Petcare over the past 2 weeks our dream is becoming a reality. RWL Roofing have spent time digging, landscaping and astroturfing the area. The weather has currently thwarted us regarding the turfing, planting pond sealing and roofing but we are well on the way there. Hopefully by the time our Dogs Day Out on 13th April, it will be finished!

But we couldn't resist giving you a sneaky peak! If you head over to our Instagram or Twitter sites you can see what the gorgeous Ruby thought on her first visit! 

Why is Enrichment so Important?

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