Caring for pets when owners can't

11th April 2019

As committed pet owners we all worry about what will happen to them should the worst happen and we are no longer able to care for them following our death. We may have family spread around the world, or have no-one we can rely on to help care for our loved ones in this situation. This can cause pet owners much worry and concern and we wanted to come up with a way to provide peace of mind and ensure that pets are well looked after and their welfare is not impaired. As such we developed our Pet Guardianship Support programme, where owners who live within 40 miles of Oak Tree Farm can apply to Oak Tree to have their dog or cat cared for in the event of their death. Once accepted we work with owners who can sign ownership of their animal over to Oak Tree in their will, preventing delays and difficulty in ascertaining legal ownership among next-of-kin. On notification of their owner's death, Oak Tree will collect the animals, provide them with veterinary and behavioural support and look after them while searching for a new loving forever home where they can get the care and love they need.

We hope that this will provide peace of mind and an option for owners who are worried about their loved companion.

For more information please call Sarah on 01228 560082.

Caring for pets when owners can't

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