It's always hard to say goodbye - Surrendering a dog or cat to Oak Tree for rehoming
25th April 2019
A major part of our charity’s work is to take in animals that need to find new homes. This can be a harrowing time for owners having to give up their pets, as often animals are not surrendered because they are unloved or unwanted but the reverse, and owners have found themselves in hardship they could never have anticipated or their beloved pet is not coping because of a change in circumstances. So, they have made the brave decision to have their pet rehomed.
Our Team fully appreciate how hard it can be for owners and one of them will calmly explain and talk owners through the intake procedure. The team’s job is never to judge but, like the owner, just to do the best for the pet.
As far as possible, intake of dogs and cats is arranged to coincide when the resident vet nurse is on-site, or the vet is due in. This means that all intakes will be seen with 24-48 hours of arrival at Oak Tree by a veterinary professional and any issues that need addressing can be immediately identified. Often animals will require vaccinations, treatment for worms/fleas, microchipping and, for cats, blood testing for FeLV/FIV.
No matter if an animal comes in on its own or as a group, each is treated as an individual and will have a diet, veterinary and training/enrichment programme created to match their needs.
Each new animal will be assigned a Caseworker, a member of the Small Animal Team, who will see them through their intake to adoption and beyond. These caseworkers schedule any veterinary treatments and implement any behavioural/training programmes the animal in their care might require. They will get to know the animal well and then start the process of matching them to their new family.