Finn's Law

9th May 2019

Some of the Oak Tree Team were very fortunate to meet ex-police dog Finn and PC Dave Wardell at the Annual Association of Dogs and Cats Home (ADCH) Conference. Following a horrendous and severe attack on Finn during which he was stabbed repeatedly in the head and chest PC Dave Wardell, his family and team have campaigned tirelessly to change the law to recognise the amazing contributions service animals make to our society and afford them protection and justice should they be injured in the line of duty. We were delighted to hear that Finn's Law had been given Royal Assent on 8th April 2019 so that from 9th June 2019 anyone who causes unnecessary suffering to a service animal whilst in the commission of its duties, will be able to be charged under s.4 of the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and that they will no longer be able to hide behind the defence of fear. Also from this date, our service animals will no longer be viewed as items of “property” in order for charges of Criminal Damage to apply. They will be viewed as the living, breathing and sentient beings that they are.

We would like to congratulate PC Dave Wardell, Finn and all of the team who campaigned so hard to get this legislation and we are delighted to hear that they are also lending their voice to the campaign to increase sentencing for animal welfare offences in the UK.

Get involved by following Finns Law on Social Media and writing to your MP.

You can also see PC Wardell and Finn on Britains Got Talent!


Finn's Law

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