Why are Dentals important for horses and ponies?

12th June 2019

Regular dental check ups by your vet or qualified equine dentist are essential for your horse or pony's well-being. Up to the age of 10 this should be done every 6-12 months to avoid ensure that any sharp enamel overgrowths are removed. If your horse or pony has additional dental needs this may need to be done more often. Your vet or dentist will be able to advise you when how often your equine should be seen for dental checks.

At Oak Tree, we have regular dental checks and yesterday, Rob our vet, came to perform checks on some of our horses and ponies. Whilst a trip to the dentist is never the most popular activity for any patient, all of our equines behaved impeccably and rasping and cleaning could be carried out to remove any uncomfortable overgrowths.


Why are Dentals important for horses and ponies?

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