Best Place to Work? We think so

Best Place to Work? We think so

7th September 2019

We were super-excited to find out last night that we had won the Carlisle Living Award for "Best Place to Work" 2019. 

Our dedicated team love what they do. Working in an animal charity is not a job, it's a lifestyle choice.

Oak Tree comprises a close, friendly team with a common, aligned mission, to help animals and their owners in our community. With this vision, we have a supportive team, comprising volunteers and staff, who every day are solution seekers and deliver amazing results with an immense energy and passion. It can be very emotional, the hours are long and the animals need to be cared for every day of the year come rain, snow, gale or sun - so we were overwhelmed to have been nominated, shortlisted and given this award. 

Our team, are our strongest asset, with their dedication and professionalism. As an organisation we strive to develop them through training, individual coaching and opportunities to ensure they can progress to be experts within our sector and community. Where possible and appropriate, we promote from within, providing opportunities for progression and we develop training opportunities for staff and volunteers based around the strategic plan of the organisation.

Our internal motto “mindset is everything” allows our staff to identify opportunities to support our community further through their every day work. For example, one member of our team, identified that Carlisle has the highest percentage of ‘no pets allowed’ rental properties in the UK, causing more animal relinquishment and heartbreak for both owner and animals. She wanted to try and solve this. With support from the management she has now developed a Pets in Rentals programme which she is launching alongside local letting agents and landlords to make a real difference in our community. This is just one of many staff-led community initiatives. We want our team to “own” projects and be a key part of our success as an organisation.

Caroline, our General Manager and Becky, our Community Supervisor were delighted to be able to attend the awards ceremony to accept the award on behalf of our Charity. This Award is such a recognition for our amazing and innovative team who work together to support, inspire and turn our charity’s vision into a reality. Thank you.


Best Place to Work? We think so

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