A surprising mother!

A surprising mother!

22nd September 2019

Approximately 6 weeks ago, six, one week old kittens were brought to the centre by builders having been found on a site which was being demolished. 

At this young age, the kittens were very vulnerable and there was a very high chance they wouldn't survive. These tiny babies needed to be hand-reared round the clock, with regular feeds, health checks and constant warmth. It was really important to ensure the kittens had the chance to develop social skills with each other and get used to handling by humans. 

After a vet check, Caroline, our intake team leader, fostered them and they began to thrive. Once they started to open their eyes they became more independent and quickly found a warm, furry snuggly mother to curl up with in the form of Skye, Caroline's old border collie. Skye loved looking after the kittens and began to mother them and they became confident and playful.


With Skye and Caroline's care all six kittens survived and at six weeks of age have now returned to Oak Tree Farm for vet checks and to begin assessment for rehoming. 

When Skye popped in to check on her young charges the other day, the kittens just had to "hop aboard!"



A surprising mother!

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