Storm Dennis Feral Cats!

21st February 2020

This week we completed our first big trapping of the season. 31 cats!! Nothing like easing yourself back into it hey…. The trapping site was very isolated in a rural location. The cat carer believed the only way to manage the number of cats on the property was by drowning them. Last year they stated 50 sickly kittens had been drowned. At the end of 2019, our Community Team became aware of the situation and visited the property to offer our support and advice. We discussed how best to stabilise the number of cats on the property and how to prevent unnecessary suffering moving forward.

The best approach for this is the Trap, Neuter and Return of feral cats. It was agreed that the cats would be neutered, ear tipped, vaccinated and treated for flea and worms. Our team worked in wind, snow and flooded areas in order to trap all 31 cats in under 24 hours. They were then taken to The Green Vets in Skelton who worked tirelessly to neuter the cats in a timely fashion so that they could be returned to the property within 48 hours of trapping.

All cats were returned to the property this morning and they were very happy to be back with their carer who clearly felt the same. We will continue to work with the carer to ensure that all cats make a full recovery and they remain happy and healthy moving forward.


If you are aware of a feral cat colony in your area that would benefit from our Trap, Neuter and Return project, contact our Community team on 01228 560082 ext.230

Storm Dennis Feral Cats!

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