Working together
21st February 2020
We are so pleased to be working alongside our ADCH partners at Animal Rescue Cumbria, Animal Concern Cumbria and RSPCA Westmorland to increase awareness about the importance of neutering your cat. This follows a year in which all four animal charities were overwhelmed with the huge number of unwanted and unplanned litters of kittens in our region. Recent research has shown that 70% of litters in the UK are unplanned which can be solved through timely neutering of your pet.
We have focussed our campaign to coincide with World Spay Day which, this year is on 25th February.
For this day Oak Tree will be running a voucher scheme supporting cat neutering for those struggling financially and will be working with our partner vets to neuter 20 cats on this day.
Caroline Johnson, our General Manager explains “Every year in Cumbria, animal charities see hundreds of unwanted kittens where litters have not been planned and owners are overwhelmed with the new arrivals and either look to rehome, abandon them or in some cases kill them. This unnecessary suffering can be easily prevented by having your cat neutered in a timely way to protect them from getting pregnant. We are delighted to be working in partnership with three other animal charities in our region to try to raise awareness of this issue and to encourage owners to have their pets neutered to prevent the kitten crisis we saw last year.”
To find out more about World Spay Day, and for advice about cat neutering please contact one our community team at