The Two Point Six Challenge
1st May 2020
Wow - What a week it's been!
Team Oak Tree took part in the 2.6 Challenge to help raise funds for our charity during these challenging times. Volunteer Coordinator Angel ran a marathon in 4 days and our Small Animal and Facilities Team did a marathon relay around Oak Tree Farm. Our mascots also got involved: Oakley our dog mascot walked 2.6 miles and Marmalady (cat) and Horace (horse) danced for 2.6 hours to an animal-themed playlist!
In total Team Oak Tree have raised over £2000 so far ... an awesome result!
So many of our wonderful supporters have got involved too, we're loving seeing the photos and stories of your challenges. Thank you so much for all your efforts, they are truly appreciated! Your support has enabled us to help 226 animals in need in our region during April alone. Thank you!