Working together for animals

19th May 2020

All animal charities are facing challenges at this time and Oak Tree were delighted to host a virtual meeting of local animal charities giving us all the chance to discuss our approaches to the pandemic and how we can all work together to improve animal welfare.

Representatives from Oak Tree, Animal Rescue Cumbria, Animal Concern Cumbria, Eden Animal Rescue, Alexa's Animals, RSPCA Westmorland and Dumfries and Galloway Canine Rescue came together to look at the issues we were seeing at this time and to identify how best we can tackle these to support animal welfare. We have a united message that we are all here to support our community and it's animals and, to achieve more we are stronger together! Watch this space for the groups developments!

If you run a local animal rescue and would like to join us please get in touch at , we'd love to welcome you.

Working together for animals

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