A Stray Hedgehog
4th June 2021
The Community Team was completing a TNR (Trap, Neuter and Return) on the Raffles estate, using welfare friendly automatic traps. Traps which are designed to catch cats safely without injury, using cat food as a bait.
The traps are checked regularly to keep stress levels of the cats that are trapped to a minimum. They check the traps every 2 hours throughout the night and on the final 6 am check, a hedgehog had made its way inside the trap!
The hedgehog was released and happily waddled away, with a stomach full of cat food!
No cats were caught that night, but it is nice to see hedgehogs doing so well. According to www.hedgehogstreet.org, their numbers have dramatically fallen from an estimated 36.5 million in 1950 to about 1 million in 2020. Maybe it's going to be a good year for the little ones!