Fleur's gets physio!
22nd December 2021
Fleur is a 12 year old mare, and has lived at Oak Tree since 2009. Fleur is currently riding away in walk, trot and canter, has been progressing well in the school and has recently been introduced to jumping which she really enjoys.
The equine team are always monitoring our horse, ponies and donkeys and are quick to spot any issues that may impact on their comfort and life. Fleurs’ handler and rider, Lauren, noticed that Fleur was struggling with straightness and felt uneven when ridden, and Lauren thought that Fleur would benefit from a visit from the equine physio to assess her muscles (yes, even animals can have physio!).
Mel Brown, from Browns Vet Physio (www.brownsvetphysio.co.uk) kindly donated her time and gave Fleur a full assessment including gait analysis and muscle assessment. She found Fleur was reactive and sore in her lumbar (equivalent to our lower back) muscles. Whilst Fleur was very suspicious of Mel at the first session and sought reassurance from Lauren, she soon relaxed and enjoyed her treatment and even fell asleep in her 2nd session! Lauren reports that Fleur is feeling better each week and enjoys doing the home exercises where she gets lots of treats
By using massage, other techniques and electrotherapy equipment, and incorporating a home exercise programme for Fleur, physio will help to resolve any issues in her muscles which will help maintain and improve her performance. Huge thanks Mel for donating your time and expertise!