Help us through the Co-Op Local Community Fund!

Help us through the Co-Op Local Community Fund!

31st January 2018

We are very excited to announce that we have been chosen to take part in the Co-Op Local Community Fund! #TheCoopWay

With your support, we will be able to raise much needed funding to develop an exciting Sensory Garden for the dogs in our care to play, learn and regain their confidence!

So, how does the fund work? Every time a Co-op Member shops at the Co-Op, 1% of what they spend on selected own brand products is added to the fund, to be shared between selected local causes. We will also receive a share from the sales of carrier bags in our area!

If you are already a Co-Op Member in our area, you can phone up or sign in online and select Oak Tree Animals’ Charity as the cause you would like to support!

If you are not already a member, please consider joining for just £1 so you too can choose to help the animals in our care. 

To find out more about how you can help, please click HERE!


Help us through the Co-Op Local Community Fund!

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